Raw salted caramel chocolate cheesecake

Gluten free, dairy free and packed full of superfood goodness, this is one seriously amazing dessert!



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½ cup raw almonds

2 tbsp coconut oil, melted

2 tbsp raw cacao powder

1/4 cup dates (seeded & soaked)

1 cup dessicated coconut

1 scoop 180 Natural Protein Superfood (chocolate) (optional) or 1/4 cup extra ground almonds


Middle Cream Layer

⅓ cup coconut oil, melted

½ cup dates (seeded & soaked)

2 cups raw cashews (soaked overnight)

1 tsp (or more) of Himalayan salt

1 tsp vanilla bean seeds (scrape seeds from 1 vanilla bean pod)

1 cup coconut milk


Chocolate Topping

¼ cup coconut oil, melted

2 heaped tbsp cacao powder

2 tbsp warm water

2 tbsp rice malt syrup




Drain dates. Set date water aside. Place all ingredients in a food processor. (I use Biochef Nutriboost bullet blender) Process until mixture is of a wet and crumbly like consistency. Press with fingertips into the base of a round baking tray. (I use baking paper to line the tray). Add a small amount of date water to mixture and blend if the mixture is too dry.

Middle Cream Layer

Drain the dates. Place all ingredients into a food processor. Process until smooth and creamy. Pour into baking tray over base.

Chocolate Topping

Place all ingredients in a food processor or blender. Blend until silky smooth. Pour over middle layer. Place in freezer for at least two hours to set.

Serves 8-10 lucky people


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