Emma Park | How To Avoid Birth Trauma And Have An Empowered Birth

After 5 years juggling family, work & study Emma Park graduated university with a Bachelor of Health Science in Nutritional Medicine and went straight into clinical practice. Emma’s specialities have grown organically, being drawn into the Gut Health, Microbiome, Pregnancy & Breastfeeding fields through her role with Qiara and the dire need for getting better outcomes for mums & bubs, and also more widely > finding the root cause of chronic gut issues in our community.

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In this episode we cover

  • What an empowered birth may look like
  • What birth trauma is
  • Consequences of birth trauma
  • Common risk factors of birth trauma
  • Ways to prevent birth trauma
  • What you can do if birth trauma has taken place
  • Birth mapping
  • And so much more



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TAKE CONTROL of your digestive and overall health today. Schedule your online consultation or send me an email info@lyndagriparic.com


This episode is sponsored by BetterMe tea, a tea designed to promote improved gut health and digestion - assisting those who struggle with constipation and sluggish bowel movements to go to the bathroom with ease.


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