Overcoming An Eating Disorder With Diane Ryan

Diane Ryan is the executive director at Mirasol, a centre based in tuscan, Arizona that offers integrative programs and treatment to those experiencing an eating disorder. Diane received her undergraduate degree in Psychology and her Master's in Counseling and Psychology with a specialty certification in Adventure-Based Psychotherapy. She is trained in experiential methods including psychodrama, expressive arts and challenge course activities, and is passionate about accessing the power of outdoor and wilderness experiences as healing modalities. She currently serves as a member of an international consortium evaluating current research on exercise and eating disorders. She also continues to explore the impact of wilderness interventions as measured by changes in brain wave patterns.


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In this episode we cover;

  • The different types of eating disorders that exist
  • The relationship between eating disorders, SIBO and other digestive dysfunction
  • The link between loneliness and eating disorders
  • Why Insomnia and PTSD commonly co - occur in those experiencing an eating disorder
  • Signs which could alert a health practitioner, family member or friend that a patient or loved one is experiencing an eating disorder
  • How health practitioners could better screen for eating disorders
  • We chat about the amazing therapies Mirasol has to offer its people
  • Whether fasting or restricted time feeding is a good or detrimental idea for someone experiencing an eating disorder
  • and .... I get honest and a little raw about my experience with an eating disorder


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