Low Tox Life Podcast : Constipation with Naturopath, Lynda Griparic

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A few weeks back I was lucky enough to be interviewed by the fabulous Alexx Stuart from Low Tox Life. I really enjoyed this one and am always so happy to spread the word and awareness around poor bowel behaviour.

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We all deserve healthy, happy functioning bowels after all. Have a listen and please share with anyone you feel may need to hear this.

Now over to Alexx

Clip description

Alexx launched this podcast nearly a year ago, with a passion for bringing you all aspects of the low tox life - toxin reduction information, inspirational eco businesses doing right by people and planet, health topics for the body and mind to help us live our best lives…

The very first show was the infamous “Poopcast” all about poop, and if you thought there was only one show in the topic, you’d be wrong 😉

This week we talk all about constipation with Lynda who is highly specialised in the the area and what’s brilliant is, it’s a super practical, can-do show to help you and anyone you know, get moving. Our bowels aren’t our only detox point, but they’re an important one, and the ramifications of NOT going, can be many.

To listen to this podcast click here


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