Reed Davis | HPA Axis Dysregulation Or Adrenal Fatigue?

Reed Davis, Holistic Health Practitioner and Certified Nutritional Therapist, is an expert in functional lab testing and holistic lifestyle medicine. He is the Founder of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN) and the FDN Certification Course.  Reed served as the Health Director and Case Manager at a Wellness Center in So. California for over 10 years and now teaches the FDN Course with over 2500 trainees or graduates in 50 countries.

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Today, Reed is known as one of the most successful and experienced clinicians in the world, having provided functional lab assessments to over 10,000 clients.  Reed is also a Clinical Advisor for BioHealth Laboratories and lives in the US, teaching the FDN Certification Course and helping his graduates build robust private practices.


In this episode we cover


  • Why the wording Adrenal Fatigue is not quite accurate and why HPA axis dysregulation is a much more appropriate term
  • The problems with the adrenal fatigue concept
  • The causes of HPA dysregulation
  • How we assess and test for HPA dysregulation
  • Treatment strategies for HPA dysregulation
  • and so much more




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Show Notes



Before we dive into my conversation with Reed Davis. I want to take a moment to acknowledge the Love & Guts sponsor of the month, Nutrition Care


Nutrition Care was founded over 40 years ago by Professor Ian Brighthope, a pioneer of nutritional medicine in Australia and worldwide. He is credited with coining the term ‘integrative medicine’ to define a healthcare philosophy that combines complementary medicines and modern medical practices to help optimise a patient’s health.


However, our Love and Guts podcast listeners might be especially interested to learn that Nutrition Care has always had a deep interest in gut health. In fact, Nutrition Care recently launched a new range of products under their NC banner, and most of those products have been developed to help improve or maintain gut health.


The most popular product in the range is NC Gut Relief, a combination of herbs, nutrients and prebiotics specifically developed to help relieve mild digestive disorders and improve the integrity and function of the gut. In a recent, soon to be published trial, NC Gut Relief significantly improved gastrointestinal symptoms over 3-months, while reducing intestinal permeability, and improving microbial profile, reducing the need for reflux medication, and enabling the consumption of previous food triggers.




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