The Truth About Cancer With Manuela Boyle

Manuela Boyle is a consultant clinician of Functional and Integrative health. 

She is also a Keynote speaker/guest speaker  and a Consultant mentor to MDs, NDs DOs on best practices-patient safety and evidence-based research

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Manuela has 4 different practice locations across the globe (QLD, Sri Lanka, Milan, Dubai) and is a pioneer in her field.

Manuela has featured in a documentary called The Truth About Cancer, a game changing film that I highly recommend you watch and share it with someone in your life who may have cancer or knows someone who does.

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In this episode we cover;

  • What integrated oncology is
  • If cancer is a genetic or epigenetic disease
  • What the hallmarks of cancer are
  • What the common risk factors are
  • How clinical nutrition impacts prevention and treatment
  • If a ketogenic diet is suitable for all types of cancer
  • What about meat consumption and cancer?
  • Cannabis oil and other ingredients that we commonly see used in cancer tx and prevention
  • And so very much more


Show Notes;

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The Truth About Cancer Website

The Truth About Cancer Documentary episode 1

The Truth About Cancer Documentary episode 2 


Are you caring for a friend or family member who is on a cancer journey?  Researchers at UNSW Sydney (The University of New South Wales) are seeking volunteers to participate in a study so we can learn more about your experience as a cancer carer and how your caring role may have changed your eating habits. If you want more information or want to take part in the study please contact Rebecca Warren  0425 834 846


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